Name: Brian
Age: 5
Playful, sings beautifully , always smiling and loves his hair parted, loves to dance (or should we say hop? He calls it dancing, and so do we.
Meet Michelle
Name: Michelle.
Age: 5
Michelle is Brian’s best friend. She’s quiet, always with her dolls and loves her beads in her hair. She’s a good dancer and sings well too.
Meet Nana
Name: Nana (Brian’s Grandma). Bible Stories with Nana is always fun. Catch up on some of her Bible stories and songs now and sing along!
Name: Ms Elena
Brian and Michelle’s teacher at Shine Bright Academy. She sure makes learning fun for the kids!
Learning is as easy as ABC with Ms Elena
Meet MOM
Brian’s mom makes the best cookies in town! She takes the kids to fun places like the playland, the aquarium, camping, swimming, dance class and much more.